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What’s New

New dates for K-TRIB2020 have been updated

2020-04-07 15:40
Dear Participants of K-TRIB2020,

I believe that all of you are safe from this terrible COVID-19 crisis. Given this current tragic situation, we are nevertheless hopeful that the crisis will be settled down by the end of the summer. As such, we secured a new venue and postponed dates for K-TRIB2020.

The new dates for K-TRIB2020 have been set to Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2020, and the venue has been changed from KIST to Swiss Grand Hotel in Seoul. The symposium website (http://k-trib2020.org) has been updated with the new dates and venue information.

The important new dates are as follows:

Abstract submission deadline: August 16, 2020
Early registration deadline: October 16, 2020

We hope that you will still be able to participate in K-TRIB2020. As of now, we will keep your Abstract (if you have already submitted an Abstract) and/or your Early Registration status (if you have already paid your Early Registration fee) unless you notify us that you will not be able to participate. Also, if you wish to update or modify your Abstract, you may do so through the symposium website. If you are not certain at this time, you may let us know at your convenient time, but before August 16, 2020. If you are not able to participate, we will withdraw your Abstract and/or refund your Early Registration fee fully. Please note that the deadline for full refund is October 16, 2020.

We sincerely hope that K-TRIB2020 will be held successfully and safely in November of this year. Please be informed that if by any chance the crisis still prevails beyond October to the level of being dangerous to the participants, K-TRIB2020 will be cancelled for this year. In this regard, you may be assured that we will never compromise the safety of our participants over K-TRIB2020.

Thank you for your kind support of K-TRIB2020.


Organizing and Program Committee of K-TRIB2020